Mapping on iPad

I was reading the play test document for Chris McDowall’s Mythic Bastionland and wanted to have a go at the realm mapping procedure. The trouble was that I was on holiday and didn’t have access to a computer capable of running Hex Kit with my collection of nice tiles. I decided to fire up Affinity Designer on my iPad, set up a grid and just use the files directly. Aligning them all with the Pencil and making it all just so was rather pleasing. I even made some banners to label places and so on. Happy with the results I took to the Bastionland Discord to share the what I’d done. There Yochai Gal told me I ought to publish the template I’d made. It seemed like a reasonable request, I tidied it up and he helped me knock it into shape, here it is!


Hex Kit Tile Snapping Template.aftemplate 738 kB
Aug 12, 2022

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